Friday, June 30, 2017

River Frog Depicting Movie & Radio Channel Operations At River Ruler Entertainment

  Lept Out Into Televising & Radioing The Imparting Gifts To Future Generations As Here Is The River Frog Singing Of Broadcasting The Tethered Rapid Surf Competitions & River Cultural Awareness To The World In 2024 As The Governing Agencies For River Ruler Entertainment By Laws Dealings Are Here As Such:

   The FCC & The Broadcasters Association.

River Bear Depicting Clothing, Apparel & Charter Events At River Ruler Entertainment

 Rock & Rapids Call To Bear Armor In The Durability Of Uniforms To Echo Tenacious Strength To Future Generations As The River Bear Is Singing Of Protecting The Tethered Rapid Surf Athletes With Their Team Uniforms Having Life Jackets Built Right Into Them In The Clothing & Apparel Plus Charter Events & Competitions Through River Ruler Entertainment As Herein Are The Governing Agencies For Dealings With River Ruler Entertainment By Laws Governing Agencies Such As:

   The Federal Trade Commision Governs The Laws For The Clothing & Apparel. Now Then The EPA Plus The State Environmental Laws & River Human Health Laws For Civil Human Safety At Events & Competitions In The Future Of The Sport; Which The Labor Department Also Governs The By Laws For.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

RIver Beaver Depicting Film Production & Manufacturing Set Up At River Ruler Entertainment.

   Plotting The Plod Along; A World Within A World Through Song. Here Is The River Beaver Who Sings Of The River Stories Ancient & New Of The Powers That Be To Make A Better World In This World Too As Herein In At River Ruler Entertainment Is The List Of Governing Agencies For Dealings For Projects At River Ruler Entertainment With Are As Follows:

   As In Film Productions It Is The Broadcasters Association And The FCC As Well As The FTC That Are The Governing Agencies For Dealings By Laws Through River Ruler Entertainment Whereas The Manufacturing Side Of Things Are In Compliance With The Occupational Safety & Health Act But Here Are The Governing Agencies For Manufacturing Dealings; The NIST & The EPA.


River Lion Depicting Distribution & Concert Production Set Up At River Ruler Entertainment.

   Quarrelsome Fellowship Standing Together To Roar The Sharing Together As The River Lion DJ Sings Of The River Cultural Awareness Of River Justice To Keep The Athletic Dreamers Safe. Singing Out Through To Distribute To In The River Ruler Entertainment Distribution & Concert Productions.

   Herein Are The Organizational Agencies In Dealings With Concerts & Distribution Communications To The People With These Emissary Agencies To Deal With Are:

   For The Concert Production Side We Have The Local Musicians Union, BMI, The PTO, Broadcasting Agencies, Event Insurance Agencies, Security Agencies, The FTC, The FCC In Accordance With The Uniform Commercial Code For All Products & Services Offered At River Ruler Entertainment.


River Heron Depicting Marketing Department Set Up At River Ruler Entertainment

   River Market Maker Virtuoso Ascending Strongholds Of River Markets Up Rising Through Dreams River Flights. Here Is The River Heron Who Flies The Athletic Dreams To Market In The River Ruler Entertainment Marketing Department.

   In Matters Pertaining To The Laws Of Commerce. The Governing Agencies And By Laws Pertaining Are As Follows:

   The FTC & The PTO Are The Governing Agencies For This Trademark Organization Called River Ruler Entertainment By Laws Through This Department For All Of The Other Departments Marketing & Advertising.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

River Duck Depicts Research & Development Department Set Up At River Ruler Entertainment.

   Ravingly On Fire With Creations Fire; Astute In The Wilds Of Creations Fire. Here Is The Odd Duck Mad Scientist In Our Research & Development Department Who Developed The Sport Of Tethered Rapid Surfing Out Of Tethered River Boarding To Honor The Image Of The Sport Within Itself In The Tether Together Of The Tethered Rapid Surf Team Charter Through River Ruler Entertainment.

   Each Team Member Will Use A Different Shape That We Have Developed Over The Years To Compete In A (5) Five Minute Ride & A (15) Fifteen Minute Ride. The Different Drawings & Descriptions Shapes To Compete With Are Available To Check Out At: On The Bottom Left.

   As Here In The Research & Development Department With The Help Of The Finance & Accounting Department For Asset Allocation Planning For The Water Management And Team Franchise Operations Plans To Protect All Future Athletic Dreamers For The Tethered Rapid Surf Teams. Whereby The Standards Are Set In This Department's Dealings With The Governing Agencies Needed To Stay In Contact With Are As Such:

   The NIST, The Energy Department, The FDA, The FCC, The Department Of Interior, The EPA, The VA, And The Army Corp Of Engineers As Well As The Local State, City & County City Of Commerce Agencies And THe Treasury Department.

River Otter Depicts Finance & Accounting Department Set Up At River Ruler Entertainment.

   Calculating Avid Glowing Passion Returning Numbers Into Through The River Otter Singing About The Cash Flow Of River Ruler Entertainment Singing About How We Will Host Benefit Concert Series Films To Raise Funds For The Water Management Plan To Purify Waters To Make It Safer For Future Athletic Dreamers To Go In The Water.

   In The Intellectual Property Deals & River Community Water Management Plans At River Ruler Entertainment All Financing & Accounting For All Team Executives In This Department's Representation To The Governing Organizational Agencies Such As:

   The SEC, The IRS, And The Treasury & Federal Reserve.

   In All Dealings With These Agencies In The Procurement Of River Ruler Entertainment As For With The Promise Of An IPO That Is Available To Everybody Is Not Available; For We Will Be Creating & Selling Most Of Our Shares To Our Franchisee's & Locals In Their River Communities. It Is Is In The River Communities Where The Equity, Assets And Relations Are. All Of These People Must Sign A Proxy Form Granting Proxy To Jeremy Tobias Matthews.