Monday, July 3, 2017

River Lion Depicting Distribution & Concert Production Statements & Announcements At River Ruler Entertainments

   Herein The Up Roaring Of This Department's Statements Is The River Lions Presenting The Statements Here As Such Are:

   The Dollar Amount Of Inventories To Commence Operation Is A Projected Minimum Of ($8,500) Eight Thousand Five Hundred Dollars Or A Projected Maximum Of ($9,500) Nine Thousand Five Hundred Dollars.

   Ripple Roaring The River Lion's Roar Announcing This Department's Announcements As Of Here Goes As Follows:

   The Creator Of River Ruler Entertainment Is Available For A Limited Number Of Appearances Until All Team Franchises Are Set Up. All Producers Who Choose To Co-Produce & Promote A Concert, Film Or Both Will Get 30% Percent Of All Proceeds.

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