Friday, February 18, 2011

Concert Insurance for KING JEREMY

PURCHASER agrees to provide comprehensive general liability insurance (including, without limitation, coverage to protect against any and all injury to persons or property as a consequence of this installation and/or operation of the equipment and instruments provided by ARTIST and/or its employees, contractors and agents). Such liability insurance shall be in the amount required by the venue, by in no event shall have a limit of less than One Million Dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit for bodily injury and property damage. Such insurance shall be in full force and effective at all times ARTIST or any of ARTIST'S agents, managers or independent contractors in the place of the performance. ARTIST and its Agent for the engagement(s), MPI, shall be listed as additional-named insured under such insurance and this shall be indicated on the pertinent certificate of insurance. PURCHASER also agrees to provide a policy of Workman's Compensation covering all of PURCHASER'S employees or third-party contractors. PURCHASER further agrees to provide full all-risks insurance coverage for all equipment and instruments provided by ARTIST and/or its employees, contractor's, agents and managers against fire, vandalizing, theft, riot or any other type of act or event causing harm or damage to, or loss of, the instruments and equipment so provided. Certificates of insurance relating to the coverage listed above shall be furnished by PURCHASER to ARTIST at least fourteen (14) days prior to the Engagement(s). ARTIST'S failure to request or review such insurance certificates shall not effect ARTIST'S rights or PURCHASER'S obligations hereunder. The PURCHASER warrants that he complete an adequate public liability insurance.  The certificate must be produced to the PRODUCER upon request.

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